First Parish Auction 2025 Item Donation Form

Auction Date is March 15th, 2025 | Please fill out this auction donation form and click submit. If you have more than 3 items, please use a new form. Thanks!

It is the responsibility of the buyer to contact the donor to arrange fulfillment of this agreement.  Unless otherwise agreed between buyer and donor, this agreement will expire April 1, 2026.

Suggested Items:

New or like-new items with wide appeal, books, housewares, sport equipment, games, pictures, jewelry, tools, small appliances, spa items, new clothing. 

Goods you have home- or hand-made or grown. 

Tickets to sports, theater or music events. 

Memberships to museums or subscriptions. 

Time at a vacation spot or a planned day trip. 

Teach a skill like woodworking, sewing, gardening, photography, cooking or playing an instrument. 

Host a dinner or a tea or fire pit.  Or deliver a meal!  (Outdoor, open events are especially welcome!)

Services such as yardwork, painting, handyperson work, cleaning, pet sitting, wine or grocery delivery, take pets to vet. 

Tech lessons needed to keep in touch, order online, etc.

Please select all that apply.

Yes!  I'd like to donate to the March 15th, 2025, First Parish Goods and Services Auction.

List up to 3 items or services with description, conditions, etc. below. If you have more than 3 items to donate, please start a new form after submitting this one. 

In the description, include all information that can help a bidder decide if they want to bid on this item. (Size, color, date-of-event, age, value,etc, etc.  Be wordy!  We can shorted it if needed).

(After you submit a form, you will receive an email on how to include a picture of the item.)




Auction Date is March 15th, 2025
Please fill out this auction donation form and click submit. If you have more than 3 items, please use a new form. Thanks!